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District Committee & Officers

Your Combined Hollywood District officers and steering committee are comprised of A.A. members just like you. Each commitment is elected for a two-year term, beginning every odd year. All current or former General Service Representatives at Combined Hollywood are eligible to stand as a district officer or in a steering committee position. This type of service work is not for everyone, but if you are interested, your service is vital to our purpose in helping ensure the hand of A.A. is available to all who seek it!

District Committee & Officers: About Us


General Service Representative

The group representative or General Service Representative (GSR) is the vital link between a group and A.A. Any group member with the energy and time to serve their group in this way is strongly encouraged! The GSR attends the monthly district meeting and quarterly assemblies (there are 4 in a year, held about every 3 months). At the monthly district meetings, we study the Traditions and Concepts to apply them to individual and group issues, learn about group issues throughout the district and how they are being addressed, hear presentations, or have sharing sessions on a group or service-related issues, plan district events, and more!

There are many ways to serve your group as a GSR - your participation gives them an opportunity to learn about ways they can help the suffering alcoholic in their group and community, they will be stronger as a result of your deeper connection with the traditions and concepts through presentations at the monthly district meeting, and you can provide them an opportunity to participate in the decision-making process of A.A. on a local and national level (such as changes to the Big Book, having an A.A. presence on social media, etc.). Becoming a GSR gives you an opportunity for your own discovery and recovery, too!

"What kind of a commitment do I have to make?"

Many members wonder about the level of commitment entailed in being a fact, it's not uncommon for a GSR to stop participating altogether because they are unable at times to attend all the events, meetings, and assemblies throughout the district and Area. Most of us in the district has faced that same challenge - how to find the time or energy for a new service commitment, and what if I can't/don't want to commit to everything? Perhaps this may help - your level of commitment should be based on what you can (and are willing to) do to serve your group. If you can only attend the monthly meeting, great! Be present for it, strive to find just one thing that interests you or just one new perspective that you hadn't considered before, ask questions. In all of our A.A. work, and in our service structure, we know we cannot do everything, and we certainly can't do it perfectly. But we attempt, at the very least, to make it count! Most of us have found that this attempt to simply be present for our purpose here has diminished much of the worry about whether or how to do it perfectly - and most of us have found a renewed vigor in our 12th Step work!

District Committee Member (DCM)

DCMs are the link between General Service Representatives (GSRs), groups, and A.A. as a whole. Your DCM is responsible for learning your group's problems to assist in addressing them, as well as your successes to share that experience with other groups. DCMs attend monthly district meetings to be available to GSRs and group members. DCMs also attend each meeting in their district at least once per year, more frequently in smaller districts, in order to better get to know the groups in their districts. If your group would like a visit from your DCM to discuss issues you might be having, or if your group has questions about leading a group inventory or how to make changes in A.A. (such as literature), please contact us!

Service Committee Members

District members (GSRs, DCMs, members at large) who participate in service committee work at the Area level (see a full list of committees here) provide reports to the district regarding their committees' efforts to serve alcoholics in our area. Examples of service committees are Corrections, Public Information, Cooperation with the Professional Community, and Cooperation with the Elder Community. Service Committee members let us know what service opportunities are available to us and our groups, as well as frequently make requests for assistance at the group and individual level. There are many invigorating and meaningful ways to serve the still-suffering alcoholic in our districts - many of whom don't know what A.A. is or that it's available to them. Service committee meetings take place at the quarterly Area Assemblies held once every few months. Every GSR and district member is encouraged to attend the assemblies, where they can choose a committee to be a part of. 

District Committee & Officers: What We Do


District Committee & Officers: What We Do

District Committee Member Chairperson

The DCMC leads our monthly district meeting, attends Area 05 Assemblies, Area Committee Meetings, the annual Pacific Region A.A. Service Assembly (PRAASA), and other area-wide events. The DCMC provides report-backs on issues and successes in A.A. service at the national, area, and district level. The DCMC also creates the agenda for the monthly meeting, with input from group service representatives, DCMs, committee chairs. If you have a group or service issue you'd like us to discuss at the district, please email us at, or speak with your group representative.


There are many opportunities to serve at the district level, and there are also more details on each of the service positions discussed above found in our Policies & Guidelines. To learn more, please contact us!

District Committee & Officers: Text

© 2023 by The Combined Hollywood Districts

All rights reserved. The Combined Hollywood Districts ("CHD") is not affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous World Services Inc., A.A. Grapevine Inc., nor with any Internet provider. "Alcoholics Anonymous"; "A.A."; "Box 4-5-9"; and "The Big Book" are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. "The Grapevine"; "A.A. Grapevine"; "Box 1980"; and "La Viña" are registered trademarks of A.A. Grapevine, Inc.


Bylaws, Terms of Use, & Privacy

The Combined Hollywood Districts is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Click here to view our bylaws and privacy statement.

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